Vital Herbalism

Tailored to meet your unique wellness goals

Trauma informed holistic wellness

My goal as an herbalist and wellness advocate is to support you using the 6 principals of trauma informed care, while you process trauma with your care team of professional mental health and primary care providers through herbal protocol, nutrition, mind-body strategy and building genuine connection with an aligned community.

Cultural competency in herbalism

Honoring ceremonial herbal practices of cultures from around the world through education and acknowledgment rather than reappropriating ceremonial practices for yourself into your own practice. ALSO, reserving those herbs for indigenous inhabitants, especially if endangered by over harvesting.

Body positive holistic approach

A strict no shaming policy. I encourage clients to build a strong sense of self love by reframing negative self talk and beliefs about lifestyle or food choices. Our bodies do SO MUCH for us everyday, reward it by eating nutrient dense foods, limiting toxins, getting regular movement, taking time for restorative rest and utilizing an herbal protocol that supports you through lifestyle and body transitions.

When we know better, we do better!

Wellness advocacy services

It can be difficult to navigate and advocate for self while experiencing burnout or other health issues. Especially when seeking care within a large corporate allopathic healthcare entity and the complicated systems categorized under this umbrella. Such as health insurance, human resources, short term disability, along with other ancillary financial protections and supplemental income sources like auto-loan insurance and state/community resources provided funding like 211, TANF, SNAP and WIC. I am well versed in this arena and can help you navigate.

Wherever you are on your path is right where you need to be.

Your wellness journey has no time limit and it is not linear. Give yourself grace and reframe your mindset to empower self and identify specific wellness goals to achieve vitality with a holistic plan. Learn ways to get the whole family on board!

“Every home should have an herbalist”

— Dr. John Christopher